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25.06.2018 | https://twitter.com/zeevs/status/1011226251544219648 Zeev Suraski Twitterissä: "Just sent an email to internals@, detailing what I hope could be the beginning of a blueprint for PHP 8. It's a small step | |
21.06.2018 | https://koti.tainio.net/kello/ | |
21.06.2018 | https://codepen.io/Wujek_Greg/pen/KRXYpg Pure CSS watch animation | |
20.06.2018 | https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jun/20/eu-votes-for-copyright-law-that-would-make-internet-a-tool-for-control EU votes for copyright law that would make internet a 'tool for control' | Technology | The Guardian | |
20.06.2018 | https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:52016PC0593 EUR-Lex - 52016PC0593 - EN - EUR-Lex | |
20.06.2018 | https://www.nettiauto.com/volvo/240/9731604 Volvo SUV | |
19.06.2018 | https://weblog.rogueamoeba.com/2018/06/14/on-the-sad-state-of-macintosh-hardware/ Rogue Amoeba - Under the Microscope » Blog Archive » On The Sad State of Macintosh Hardware | |
19.06.2018 | https://hackernoon.com/15-jokes-only-programmers-will-get-b42873eba509 302 Found | |
19.06.2018 | https://i.imgur.com/cbwQ3p4.jpg IT ala ei odota | |
19.06.2018 | https://www.nettiauto.com/bmw/330/9647705 BMW 330 F30 Sedan 330e A Business Sport ** SUOMI-AUTO // 1 OMISTAJA ** Porrasperä 2016 - Vaihtoauto - Nettiauto | |
19.06.2018 | https://sintonen.fi/advisories/magnicomp-sysinfo-information-exposure.txt | |
13.06.2018 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3YZ_gOEu0A Pieruhuumoria | |
06.06.2018 | https://monitor.gitlab.net/dashboard/db/github-importer Grafana | |
06.06.2018 | https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxmasterrace/comments/8oxjno/for_all_the_people_who_left_github_and_migrated/ | |
04.06.2018 | https://edge.media-server.com/m6/p/eudfciq3 | |
01.06.2018 | https://twitter.com/frabcus/status/1001029934670929920 Francis Irving Twitterissä: "Facebook actually put *fake red dots* to try and make you think you have messages even if you don't, so you agree to thei | |
30.05.2018 | https://www.protacon.com/innovaatioseteli Innovaatioseteli - Protacon | |
30.05.2018 | https://innovaatioseteli.info/ Innovaatioseteli - Tietoa Tekes-rahoituspalvelusta | |
30.05.2018 | https://www.protacon.com/digitalisaatio/palvelumuotoilu/ Palvelumuotoilu - Protacon | |
29.05.2018 | https://twitter.com/SuomenPankki/status/999930439379779584 Suomen Pankki Twitterissä: "Tiesitkö, että #tietosuoja menee parhaiten perille sisäisesti nautittuna? Suomen Pankissa #GDPR päättyy tänään pankkil | |
28.05.2018 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXI8yhsLQRU CHINA vs. USA Military RATION Comparison - YouTube | |
25.05.2018 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPu4aUY8uDE Ozzy Man Reviews: Brazilian TV - YouTube | |
22.05.2018 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KOUGMR0f10 Mitähän rouva tykkäisi | |
21.05.2018 | https://twitter.com/Liikennevirasto/status/998488308014616576 | |
21.05.2018 | https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthisthing/comments/8kzx5p/some_kind_of_explosive_lying_on_the_floor_of/dzbu0dm/ WhySoSadCZ comments on Some kind of explosive lying on the floor of server room? | |
18.05.2018 | https://media2.giphy.com/media/b9aScKLxdv0Y0/giphy.gif | |
18.05.2018 | https://medium.com/@sadhakbj/laravel-5-5-activate-account-after-registration-using-laravel-notification-fd5dc7fa05ad Laravel 5.6 — Customizing the default Auth (Part 1): Activate account after registration | |
17.05.2018 | https://mobile.twitter.com/Barknkilic/status/996470756283486209 #CVE-2018-1111 tweetable PoC | |
16.05.2018 | http://www.iltalehti.fi/kotimaa/201805162200945809_u0.shtml Hupsista | |
16.05.2018 | https://seld.be/notes/php-versions-stats-2018-1-edition PHP Versions Stats - 2018.1 Edition - Jordi Boggiano | |
14.05.2018 | https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-10202208 Olkiluoto 3:n koeajossa havaittu uusia ongelmia: putkistoviat estävät polttoaineen lataamisen | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi | |
14.05.2018 | http://www.sundial.fi/sundial-hybridikerin-p-54.html 300W aurinkoenno nestekierrolla | |
14.05.2018 | https://www.wowza.com/docs/stream-files-php-query-examples-for-the-wowza-streaming-engine-rest-api Use PHP to manage Wowza Streaming Engine stream files | |
14.05.2018 | https://koti.tainio.net/homeui/day_aurinkosahko.png?1526290446 | |
14.05.2018 | https://github.com/WowzaMediaSystems/wse-rest-library-php GitHub - WowzaMediaSystems/wse-rest-library-php: PHP library that wraps the Wowza Streaming Engineâ„¢ REST API | |
12.05.2018 | https://twitter.com/matthieunapoli/status/995383155774410752 Matthieu Napoli Twitterissä: "I cannot believe that Laravel's HTTP Kernel *interface* expects a Symfony request, but the Kernel *implementation* actua | |
08.05.2018 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5VN56jQMWM Google Duplex: A.I. Assistant Calls Local Businesses To Make Appointments - YouTube | |
08.05.2018 | http://www.nopolanews.fi/netti-tv/kanava_1 Nopolanews - Kanava 1 | |
07.05.2018 | http://www.alapeura.fi/ | |
07.05.2018 | http://www.toimii.fi/~oh1kk/varokaa_halpoja_kopioita.jpg Alkaa tarkkana S-marketin makkaratiskillä! varokaa hapoja kopioita |